Key Features of FX64 Parameters
Permanently open parameters window
Option to slide in/out on mouse over
Option to have the window permanently open
Automatic update of values
Window reloads the parameter values when the parameters of the active Inventor document change
Option to switch to manual update so the window only reloads when user clicks update button
Customizable parameter groups
Define custom parameter groups
Move parameters from the standard (model) group to custom groups and back
Rearrange the sequence of groups in the UI
Hide/show groups
Customizable columns
Sequence of columns can be rearranged
List can be sorted ascending/descending by clicking on the respective column header
Hide/show columns as needed
Custom categories
Parameters can be assigned to a category
Program can show/hide parameters by category
Search function
Text color of the searchbox turns green when a matching item is found
After a match was found, clicking the search button (or pressing return/enter) directly opens the equation edit function for the found parameter
Import/Export function
Parameters of the active Inventor document can be saved to an XML file and imported as user parameters in a different Inventor document
Reusable value lists
Dialog for assigning/editing mulit-value parameters has options to save the value list as file or to load existing value lists from files to quickly populate parametes with existing lists
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